Free PDF Patterns

Sunflower Medallion Block FREE PDF Pattern


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Sunflower Medallion Block FREE PDF Pattern

Today on Instagram  I shared this charming cutter medallion block that I have subsequently named: ‘Sunflower Medallion’.
I purchased this mid 19th century quilt block in the early 2000’s which had already been hacked into with the scissors and have spent the past 20 years wondering what the whole quilt would have looked like?
One day I will ‘imagine it’ and make a pattern… the meantime the centre is available FREE!

Yesterday I drafted ‘Sunflower Medallion’ and wanted to share this FREE pattern should you like to make your own ‘Sunflower Medallion’ block.
Check it out in the Christmas-y colours!
The original size block measures 23″ x 23″……I also included a down sized set of templates should you wish to make it 19.5″ x 19.5″.

Please note: there isn’t any cutting/piecing directions so you need to be able to work from diagrams & traced templates.
Let me know if you would like paper pieces to cut for EPP.

The pattern is available as a FREE PDF digital download.
Simply ‘add to cart’, enter your details, click ‘proceed to checkout’ and then click ‘place order’: your download link will appear.

To ensure accurate sizing of your blocks you need to save that file onto your computer, open using Adobe Reader and turn off scaling: ie select ‘Print at 100%’.
PLEASE READ: How to Download & Print a Digital PDF Quilt Pattern BEFORE printing off your pattern.
After printing be sure to measure the one inch grid which can be found at the bottom left hand side of the page.
Once again, printing directly from a link usually alters the formatting and size of your pattern!

I hope you enjoy making your own Sunflower Medallion Block.

When posting your progress on Instagram then please tag me oldepatchart and use the hashtag #sunflowermedallionblock I would love to see your blocks.

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