Foundation Pattern To Piece Susie’s Star
20 in stock
Susie’s Star…..the Centre of our Dutch American Sew Along
This is a FREE pattern available for download to FPP - Foundation Paper Piece the centre 24 piece star of our recent Dutch American Sew Along.
Click the following link to read the blog post I wrote called Pattern & Tips to Foundation Piece Susie's Star with a few more instructions and photos.
Start with downloading the FREE PDF which includes both the foundations & template pattern page for the outer set-in shapes.
To ensure accurate sizing of your star you need to save this file onto your computer, open using Adobe Reader and turn off scaling: ie select ‘Print at 100%’.
PLEASE READ: How to Download & Print a Digital PDF Quilt Pattern BEFORE printing off your pattern.
After printing be sure to measure the one inch grid which can be found at the bottom left hand side of the page.
Once again, printing directly from a link usually alters the formatting and size of your pattern!
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